A New Blog

Hi. My name is Wyatt Duclos, but you can call me whatever you want and I will probably respond.

I wrote on a different blog for about 3 years. It was a fun thing to write. "Why it's Wyatt" was the title. But having reviewed that blog, I found it messy, childish and in a way I feel that I have out grown who I was when I wrote that. You see, I wrote on that blog from 2010 to 2013. In the two year period when I was not blogging, I was on a mission for my church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I lived in Italy and went around talking about Christ with everyone who would listen to the greatest message on earth, the restoration of the church of Christ.

While living away from home, family and friends for those two years, I learned how little I knew and how far from figured out I had life. Luckily I still have some time to learn and grow. I am a different person than I was when I was home last.

So this blog is the evolved version of Why it's Wyatt. Hopefully it will be a lot more mature, more organized, and more entertaining.

The things I will be writing here are not written with other people in mind. This is in a way a journal of my thoughts and therefore it is not really written to please or anger anyone. I just tell it like it is, or at least how it looks from where I stand.


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