Live TV: The Dream of the Stream

So the other day I was with my roommate, Carson, and I was wanting to watch live TV. The only problem was that all we had in our apartment was Hulu and Netflix. “Don’t you just wish that in our apartment we could have access to live television?”

I guess Carson was on the same brainwave, because he replied, “Yeah man, it gets old always having to wait for a recording of show you want to watch to appear on Netflix or Hulu.”

It’s because of this moment of frustration that I started looking into resources for a streaming service that has live television. Whether you are unable to receive standard cable service due to credit issues or location, with AT&T's newly released streaming service DirecTV NOW, you can get live television online to your phone. This service is a must have for all entertainment enthusiasts, providing the user with the ability to access entertainment whenever and wherever they would like.

As you can see, I’m super pumped about this app. The streaming service comes in an assortment of packages depending on your viewing habits and is ideal for everyone who has been looking for a more affordable option to traditional live television. With no contracts and no need for equipment DirecTV NOW has revolutionized the streaming industry making it so that you too can easily access live television. This is easily my favorite part because it feels less obligatory and bogged down with hidden costs, which is one of the main reasons I have avoided cable or satellite companies in the past. Begin able to enjoying your favorite sports and everything broadband TV has to offer through you telephone or streaming device gives AT&T a edge over the competition in the streaming world. Although it has overlap with Netflix and Hulu, it also has enough of a unique niche that makes paying for it worthwhile.

I can’t tell you the countless times I have faked my way through talking about Utah football games or presidential debates that I hadn’t seen because I didn’t have the ability to watch live on channels that didn’t stream on YouTube or other platforms. But I don’t have that problem now with DirecTV NOW. It has the convenience of Netflix with the power of DirecTV or Dish. I would suggest this app to anyone trying to bridge the gap between broadband television and streaming service like Netflix or Hulu.This is on the Duclos Buy list.

Here are some of the websites I found especially helpful in my research.


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